A security personnel and eight Maoists were killed in a clash in Chhattisgarh Narayanpur district on Saturday. The fight started in the deep forests of Abujhmad on June 12, spanning areas like Kutul, Farasbeda, and Kodtameta. This operation was a joint effort by District Reserve Guards and Special Task Force members from Narayanpur, Kondagaon, Kanker, and Dantewada districts, supported by the Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) 53rd Corps.
During the engagement, intermittent firing persisted for three days, leading to casualties on both sides. The jawan who lost his life, was hit by a bullet and later on succumbed to his injuries. Meanwhile, two others are recovering after sustaining injuries.
The security personnels also seize certain weapons during the operation which included INSAS rifle,303 rifle, Barel Grenade Launcher.
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