Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has said that there will be a Central Election Committee meeting today where names of candidates will be decided for the upcoming election in the state. “There will be a meeting of the Central Election Committee this evening in which most of the names will be considered and I understand that many names of the first and second phases will be decided today, there are two days left till the 15th, we should wait till Pitru Paksha,” Baghel said.

Congress’s Chhattisgarh in-charge Kumari Selja on Tuesday also said that the Central Election Committee will meet on October 12 to decide on the final list of candidates.
Earlier, BJP Yuva Morcha head Tejasvi Surya in Raipur made a statement that the Congress government had looted Chhattisgarh and sent the looted money to Karnataka to win the elections.

Reacting to it, Bhupesh Baghel said “If this is not mental bankruptcy then what else is it? Surya could not save Karnataka and is doing a drama here. If his drama does not work in Karnataka, then how will it work here.” Further, attacking BJP over their list of candidates in the state, Baghel said that there are more old faces in the list.

“Bharatiya Janata Party says that they are a cadre base party, they only misuse the cadre, they use them only to get votes. The same faces of Raman Singh, Brijmohan Agarwal, Prem Prakash Pandey and Rajesh Moodat, are the people who are fighting apart from them there is no one. These people took all the decisions under pressure,” Bhupesh Baghel said.
Earlier, after receiving backlash from the BJP for playing popular mobile phone game ‘Candy Crush’ during a meeting, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said that it is also one of his favourite games and will continue to play it.

“I will walk on Gedi, play tops and marbles. Candy Crush is also my favourite. I have reached a decent level in that and will continue to play. Chhattisgarh knows whom to bless,” Bhupesh Baghel posted on ‘X’ on Wednesday. The Election Commission has announced that the first phase of polling for 20 seats in Chhattisgarh will be held on November 7, the remaining 70 seats in Chhattisgarh will go to polls on November 17.