Senthil Balaji, the Tamil Nadu Minister who was arrested by Enforcement Directorate agents in connection with the payment for jobs scam, appeared before the MP/MLAs special Court in Chennai today.

Even as Senthil Balaji’s lawyers waited outside the court, it was surrounded by heavy police guard. Senthil Balaji, the imprisoned minister, was then brought before Justice Ravi of the MLA/MP Special Court for further proceedings.

Previously, on August 25, the special court for MPs/MLAs prolonged Senthil Balaji’s judicial custody until August 28 and directed jail officials to physically produce Senthil Balaji on August 28 for further proceedings.

On June 14, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) detained Senthil Balaji under the PMLA for a cash for employment fraud. Following dramatic hospital scenes and a court struggle between the ED and Senthil Balaji’s lawyers, the Supreme Court ordered the ED to take Senthil Balaji into jail and question him.

On August 12, he was presented before the sessions court in Chennai after 5 days of questioning by the ED in the Nungambakkam ED office. The matter was later transferred by the sessions court to the special court for MPs and MLAs. He is, however, still a Minister without portfolio. Senthil Balaji had complained of chest pain following his detention and was transported to a government hospital in Chennai.