New details have surfaced in the harrowing case of a four-year-old’s alleged murder by his mother in Bengaluru. Suchana Seth stands accused of committing the crime in a Goa hotel room, supposedly driven by a bitter custody battle with her estranged husband, Venkat Raman.
Police reveal that before the incident, on January 6, she had messaged Raman, inviting him to meet their child the following day. However, unbeknownst to him, she and the child were already in Goa at the time.
According to sources, Raman responded to her message, reached the designated meeting place, and waited for two hours. Despite attempts to contact Suchana, he received no response. Subsequently, frustrated, Raman departed for Indonesia on the same day. Investigations later uncovered that Suchana had allegedly killed her son on January 8, concealing the body in a bag. The post-mortem findings suggested the child was smothered, either with a cloth or a pillow.
Despite the gravity of the situation, Suchana has reportedly displayed no remorse during the ongoing investigation. The 39-year-old was apprehended in Chitradurga, Karnataka, on the day of the crime and subsequently transported to Goa on Tuesday for further legal proceedings. The case highlights the tragic consequences of a tumultuous custody dispute and the emotional toll it can take on those involved.