The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued an advisory to television channels on Tuesday, urging them to avoid sensationalizing the ongoing rescue operation at Silkyara in Uttarakhand. The advisory cautioned against live posts or videos from the tunnel site and emphasized refraining from any actions that could disrupt or disturb the life-saving activities of rescue agencies.

The government is maintaining constant communication and making efforts to uplift the morale of the 41 workers trapped in the two-kilometre-long tunnel portion. The operation is highly sensitive, involving the safe evacuation of multiple lives. The advisory expressed concern that the telecast of video footage or images, especially placing cameras in close proximity to the rescue site, could adversely affect ongoing operations.

Rescuers recently managed to insert an endoscopy camera into the tunnel, providing visuals that revealed ample space for the trapped workers to move about. These visuals, emerging on Tuesday morning, offered renewed hope to concerned relatives awaiting news. The collapse occurred on November 12 during the construction of a tunnel from Silkyara to Barkot, trapping the workers due to a muck fall.

The advisory urged TV channels to exercise caution and sensitivity in their reporting, considering the sensitive nature of the operation and the psychological impact on family members and viewers. The rescue efforts involve multiple agencies, with drilling and vertical pipeline operations underway to reach the trapped workers. The government’s advisory aims to ensure responsible reporting without hindering the critical rescue mission.