Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann’s security has been elevated by the Central government amidst a Khalistani crackdown. A Z-plus security team will accompany the CM on his travels across the country. Mann already has the cover of the Punjab Police.
In view of possible threats from within and abroad, the Center has provided Z-plus category armed security to Mann, 49. The CM will be protected by a VIP security squad of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). This squad was allocated to the Punjab CM after analysing his current security arrangements.
Sources said Mann will be provided with top-class cover across India and the Home Ministry has recently approved the same. The CRPF will soon take up Mann’s assignment and a team of 55 armed personnel will be deployed to protect the CM. Apart from the Punjab Police security, this latest security cover will also protect the Chief Minister’s house and immediate family members.
An airtight security cover for Mann was recently recommended by Central Intelligence and security agencies during the preparation of the threat perception analysis report of the Chief Minister in the wake of pro-Khalistani activities in the border state.
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