The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Trinamool Congress (TMC) MLA Jiban Krishna Saha on Monday in the West Bengal teachers’ recruitment scam case, according to agency sources. On Sunday evening in the course of the CBI raid a mobile phone of the TMC MLA was fished out from a pond next to the MLA’s house. the agency retrieved the phone by after pumping out all water from the pond.
On April 14, CBI conducted searches at six locations including at the premises of Saha in an ongoing investigation of the alleged West Bengal teachers’ recruitment scam.
The CBI teams conducted searches at the premises of Saha in Birbhum, Murshidabad and Kolkata.
The case was registered on the orders of the High Court of Calcutta.
It was alleged that the accused acted as a conduit in collecting money from the candidates by promising them jobs in the education department as teachers in the recruitment process of the first West Bengal State Level Selection Test (SLST) 2016 for classes 9 and 10.Several incriminating materials, including primary and upper teacher recruitment and documents containing the list of candidates and amounts mentioned against them, were recovered during searches. He was arrested following extensive questioning by CBI agents.
Saha is the third TMC MLA, following Partha Chatterjee and Manik Bhattacharya, to be arrested as part of the CBI’s investigation.
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