The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of benefiting from illicit funds linked to a criminal conspiracy in the Delhi Excise Policy case. According to the CBI’s supplementary charge sheet, Arvind Kejriwal, as AAP’s National Convenor and Overall In-Charge, is implicated in the scheme.

The investigation claims Kejriwal had a pre-conceived plan to privatize the Excise Policy, allegedly seeking financial backing for AAP in March 2021 during the policy’s formulation by the Group of Ministers (GoM), which was led by co-accused Manish Sisodia. Vijay Nair, AAP’s Media and Communication Head, allegedly demanded illegal payments from stakeholders in the Delhi Excise Business in exchange for favorable policy adjustments.

The CBI further asserts that Nair, who had no official authority to engage with these stakeholders, acted under Kejriwal’s direction. The charge sheet also accuses AAP of submitting a misleading statement on election expenses for the 2022 Goa Assembly Elections, omitting significant cash payments made to vendors and campaign workers.

The investigation reveals that illicit funds from the Delhi Excise Policy conspiracy were allegedly used to finance AAP’s election campaign in Goa. AAP leader Durgesh Pathak, in charge of election expenditures, is accused of overseeing these cash payments, with funds being funneled through hawala channels under the direction of Pathak and managed by Chanpreet Singh Rayat.