Panic continues to spread across several districts in Uttar Pradesh amid ongoing wolf attacks, which have claimed eight lives and left many injured. In a chilling incident recorded on camera, a wolf was seen approaching and attacking two men casually seated by the roadside in Sehore district.
The shocking video shows the wolf pouncing on the men, biting their arms one by one as they struggle to fend off the animal. One man eventually manages to push the wolf away. Both men sustained injuries and were hospitalized for treatment. In total, six people were injured in the attack, with the encounter between the two men and the wolf captured on CCTV.
Meanwhile, in Bahraich district, about 350 km from Sambhal, wolf attacks have left seven children and one adult dead in the past two months, with around 36 others injured. In a recent attack, an eight-year-old boy was mauled while playing outside his home. His mother recounted how the wolf knocked him down, but fled when villagers rushed to his aid.
Since March, wolves have been terrorizing Bahraich’s Mahsi tehsil, with attacks surging since mid-July during the monsoon season. So far, eight people have lost their lives in these violent encounters.
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