After a number of opposition leaders released a viral video alleging that Yathindra, a former Varuna MLA, was involved in an alleged “Cash for Posting” scam, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramiah defended his son. In a post on X, former chief minister HD Kumaraswamy shared a viral video that purported to be “evidence that the ‘Cash for Posting’ scam, which involves posting jobs for cash, has been ongoing in Karnataka.” The recovery business in Congress has gained prominence. Is there any more evidence that the father and son of Karnataka’s collection king have extorted money? The Chief Minister moves money around without feeling guilty.”
In response the Chief Minister said Kumaraswamy was making allegation on a phone conversation between him and his son about the constituency of Varuna.
“When he was in power, former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy, who was drowning in bribery and commission business, has seen and heard bribery dealings. Kumaraswamy is jumping on the phone conversation between me and my son which was held in public regarding the development of schools in Varuna constituency. I can only sympathize with this petty behavior of Kumaraswamy” the Chief Minister said in a post on Facebook.
“Varuna Constituency Shelter Committee Chairman and former MLA Dr. Yathindra who is a member of KDP is working hard for the development of that constituency. In this regard, he spoke to me about the list of beneficiary schools. Kumaraswamy has displayed his perverted mentality by twisting this conversation in front of the people of the constituency to mean recovery for transfer” he further said.
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