Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has found himself in legal trouble following allegations that he posted offensive content about Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leaders, including Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, his son Nara Lokesh, and daughter-in-law Brahmani, on social media. A police case was registered in Prakasam district after a complaint was filed by TDP Mandal secretary Ramalingam.
Sub-inspector Siva Ramaiah confirmed that the case was filed under the Information Technology (IT) Act, and an investigation into the matter has begun. The controversial posts are believed to have been part of the promotional campaign for Varma’s film *Vyuham*. The complaint against him was lodged on Sunday night.
Ram Gopal Varma is known for directing films such as *Rangeela*, *Company*, and *Satya*.
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