Captain Anshuman Singh, a brave medical officer with 26 Punjab, made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Siachen. He died heroically while saving fellow soldiers from a fire at an Indian Army ammunition dump. His courage earned him the Kirti Chakra, a prestigious award given for extraordinary bravery. His widow, Smriti Singh, received this honor from President Droupadi Murmu in recognition of his sacrifice.
Recently, however, Smriti faced an offensive comment on social media, which led the National Commission for Women (NCW) to take action. The derogatory remark was made by a man named Ahmad K., prompting the NCW to file a complaint with the Delhi Police, demanding immediate action.
The police have responded by filing an FIR against the social media profile responsible for the lewd comment, highlighting the seriousness of online harassment. They clarified that the FIR targets the profile, not the individual directly.
This incident underscores the importance of respecting the families of fallen soldiers. Captain Anshuman Singh’s bravery should be honored, and society must stand against any disrespectful comments about those who have sacrificed so much. The swift action taken by the Delhi Police serves as a reminder of the need for a supportive and respectful online environment.