In a bizarre incident, an electric car of Rajasthan municipal opposition leader broke down mid-journey and got towed by bullocks. The video of this unusual scene went viral in minutes and created a lot of debate about the reliability of electric vehicles.
The opposition leader of Kuchaman Nagar Parishad in Deedwana district, Anil Singh Medtia, was driving his electric car when it suddenly malfunctioned, leaving him stranded on the road. No professional towing services were available in the area; however, some local farmers offered their bullocks to tow the vehicle. This spectacle of a modern electric car being hauled by traditional bullocks caught the attention of many passers-by, who photographed the moment with their phones.
Medtia vents frustration over car that often breakdowns. “The vehicle was always giving problem,” he rued, referring to the fact that Medtia made 16 round trips to a service center throughout last year when his car could not start-up, despite his best efforts by keeping the motor completely charged. He added, “The company has not provided any proper response,” further expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of resolution from the manufacturer. He also noted that the car failed to meet its promised mileage.
Watch the viral video:
The viral video of bullocks towing an electric car drew varied comments on social media. Some people praised the ingenuity in using traditional methods, while others questioned whether electric cars were really practical for use in rural areas where support infrastructure could be inadequate.
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