The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) released its fifth candidate list for the Lok Sabha elections, which are scheduled to be held in seven phases starting from April 19 to June 1, 2024. On Tuesday, the BSP declared 11 candidates for Uttar Pradesh and surprised everyone by changing the candidate in the Mainpuri Lok Sabha seat. BSP also announced its candidate for Varanasi. Athar Jamal Lari will contest against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Varanasi.
BSP replaced Gulshan Dev Shakya and fielded Shiv Prasad Yadav in Mainpuri to contest against the incumbent Samajwadi Party (SP) MP Dimple Yadav, who filed her nomination papers today. On the other hand, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has fielded UP tourism minister Jaiveer Singh. According to the party officials, Muslim Khan has been fielded from Budaun and Chhotalal Gangwar from Bareilly. Udraj Verma was awarded the ticket from Sultanpur, and Kranti Pandey is the party candidate from Farrukhabad. Mayank Dwivedi will contest from Banda and Khwaja Samsuddin from Dumariyaganj.
Similarly, Lallan Singh Yadav will contest from Ballia and Srikala Reddy from Jaunpur. Umesh Kumar Singh will contest from Ghazipur against SP candidate and MP Afzal Ansari, while Athar Jamal Lari has been fielded against PM Modi from Varanasi seat.
sources said to tackle the sitting MP of Mainpuri, Dimple Yadav, the BSP has replaced its candidate and fielded Shiv Prasad Yadav by cutting the ticket of Gulshan Dev Shakya’s. Further, they said the reason behind changing the candidate was just to woo the Yadav voters of Mainpuri. Uttar Pradesh will go on poll in seven phases. Voting on phases one and two will be held on April 19 and April 26. Next, the state will once again poll in phases three and four on May 7 and May 13. The votes will be counted on June 4.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.