The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) made a significant announcement on Monday, revealing Surinder Kamboj as their candidate for the Ferozepur Lok Sabha seat in Punjab. Kamboj, who recently joined BSP in Jalandhar, was welcomed into the party fold during a ceremony attended by BSP state president Jasbir Singh Garhi, Nawanshahr MLA Nachhatar Pal, and other prominent party figures.
Despite facing controversies and being entangled in various political and legal matters, the 68-year-old Kamboj emphasized his extensive political experience, citing his tenure as chairman of the Land Mortgage Bank in Jalalabad and as a member of the District Grievances Redressal Committee in Fazilka over the past four decades.
Expressing confidence in his electoral prospects, Kamboj highlighted the significant presence of the Kamboj community, boasting over 3 lakh eligible voters, which could potentially sway the outcome of the Lok Sabha election in his favor.
Responding to inquiries about his political stance compared to that of his son, MLA Jagdeep Kamboj, Surinder Kamboj asserted the presence of his own distinct ideology, indicating potential differences with his legislator offspring.
It’s worth noting that MLA Jagdeep Kamboj had previously distanced himself from his father following the latter’s arrest in connection with a criminal extortion case back in April 2023.
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