In a major anti-smuggling operation, the Border Security Force (BSF) stationed at Punjab’s sensitive frontier carried out a significant seizure on October 30, 2024. Acting on precise intelligence, BSF troops intercepted five drones, a pistol, and three packets of heroin weighing 1.8 kg in the districts of Amritsar and Tarn Taran. This operation took place on the eve of Diwali, a time when vigilance is crucial against potential threats.

The recovered drones, identified as Chinese-made DJI Mavic Classic and DJI Air 3 models, underscore the evolving tactics of cross-border smuggling networks. The drones, often used to transport contraband across the border, represent a pressing security challenge. By intercepting these high-tech tools along with narcotics and a firearm, the BSF not only disrupted smuggling operations but also demonstrated the precision and effectiveness of its response.