Another Pakistani drone was shot down by the Border Security Force (BSF) in Amritsar, Punjab, not far from the International Border. The BSF troops recovered the drone on Monday morning following a search operation that was launched on the outskirt of Shaidpur Kalan village in Amritsar. During the search, the BSF said, at about 7.20 am, a drone in completely broken condition was recovered near Gurudwara of Shaidpur Kalan village
The BSF, which is mandated to guard the 3,323 km India-Pakistan border, said the recovered drone is a “Quadcopter of model DJI Matrice 300 RTK series.”
On Sunday, the BSF troops also recovered a drone at about 6 pm in a joint search operation launched by its troops with Punjab Police on the outskirt of Rajoke village in Tarn-Taran district in Punjab.
The drone in completely broken condition along with an attached string to carry the payload was recovered from the farming field adjacent to Rajoke village. According to a formal declaration, the drone that was found also belonged to the DJI Matrice 300 RTK line of quadcopters.
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