The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) successfully rescued 76 tourists, including seven children, who were stranded at Baralacha La Pass in the Lahaul and Spiti district, according to an official statement released on Saturday. BRO reported that six individuals identified as sick, along with their attendants, were swiftly moved to Darcha in Himachal Pradesh for further assistance.

One critical patient was transferred to a civil ambulance at Darcha for onward evacuation to the District Hospital at Keylong. The alert came in on May 18 at 11 pm, informing BRO of tourists stranded on the Sarchu side of Baralacha La Pass, just a kilometre short of the peak.

Consequently, 76 individuals (15 females, 7 children, and 54 males) were rescued and transported to the Zing-Zing bar location. Here, they received medical check-ups, hot tea, food, and were accommodated in heated shelters. The remaining individuals were later evacuated to the RCC location at Stingiri, where they were given comfort amenities and a place to rest. In their statement, BRO lauded their personnel, or ‘Karmayogis’, for their dedicated service and exceptional efforts in rescuing the stranded individuals.