The 10-year-old boy, identified as Sumit, was rescued after falling into a borewell in Madhya Pradesh’s Guna district, an official said on Sunday. He was immediately taken to a hospital following the rescue. Guna Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Man Singh Thakur said that the rescue operations began at 6:00 in the evening on Saturday and went on till the boy was rescued in the morning today. The boy remains unconscious and his breathing is slow, he added.
“Sumit fell into the borewell yesterday afternoon at around 3:30 pm. The rescue operation to take him out began at around 6 pm. Today morning at around 9:30 am, Sumit was taken out of the borewell. He has been taken to the hospital, his breathing is slow. He is unconscious right now,” Thakur told.
The official informed that two rescue teams were deployed to help rescue the boy. The incident took place in the Janjali area of Raghogarh on Saturday evening. Collector Satyendra Singh of Guna earlier said, “The oxygen support is being provided to the boy (trapped inside the borewell). All the teams are engaged in the rescue operation.”
The boy was trapped at a depth of around 39 feet, the official added. A parallel 22-foot-deep pit was dug to rescue the boy. He also mentioned that a team of doctors was providing oxygen support to the boy.
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