The Bombay High Court has ordered the release of an 18-year-old convict involved in a fatal motorcycle accident in April 2013, where a woman lost her life. Upholding his conviction for causing death by negligence, the court invoked the Probation of Offenders Act, emphasizing the convict’s young age at the time and his potential for rehabilitation and a promising future.

Justice Sanjay Mehare, presiding over a single bench, noted the circumstances of the incident. The convict had been riding his new motorcycle for the first time when the accident occurred, resulting in the woman sustaining fatal injuries. Despite the tragedy, the court considered the peculiar circumstances, stating that the convict, under normal circumstances, wouldn’t have caused such an accident.

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“In the ordinary course, he had no reason to take the vehicle away from the road and cause an accident. His age and the way in which the accident happened are the peculiar facts to be considered in this case. He has a bright future,” the court observed.

This decision has sparked discussions regarding the balance between justice and rehabilitation, especially concerning young offenders and the circumstances of their crimes.