On Monday, Mumbai Police disclosed receiving a threatening call indicating the presence of bombs at Taj Hotel and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport in the city. Subsequent searches at the locations yielded no suspicious findings. Originating from Uttar Pradesh, the call prompted a search for the caller, with ongoing investigations.

This incident follows a recent bomb threat call received by the Mumbai Police control room, warning of an explosion at a McDonald’s outlet in Dadar. The caller, allegedly overhearing a conversation on a bus, reported plans to “blow up McDonald’s,” but no suspicious items were discovered at the location.

Similarly, earlier in the week, Delhi Police revealed a bomb threat email received by the Police Control Room in North Block, housing the Ministry of Home Affairs. This event coincides with a series of bomb threat emails sent to schools across Delhi-NCR, Jaipur, Uttar Pradesh, and Bengaluru, causing widespread panic. However, subsequent investigations confirmed these emails as hoaxes, alleviating the threat.