Mihir Shah, the primary suspect in the Mumbai hit-and-run case, has reportedly confessed to driving during the incident. Authorities have demolished the unauthorized sections of the bar where Shah allegedly consumed alcohol prior to the accident. On Tuesday, the state excise department suspended the license of Vice-Global Tapas Bar on Juhu Tara Road for serving hard liquor to Shah, who is under 25 years old. State regulations dictate that only individuals aged 25 and above can consume or be served whisky, rum, vodka, or similar Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL).
The incident occurred on Sunday morning in Mumbai’s Worli area, where Shah’s speeding BMW collided with a scooter, resulting in the death of a 45-year-old woman who was riding with her husband. Shah was apprehended from a Virar hotel on Tuesday, nearly 60 hours after the incident. He and his family had been evading authorities since early Sunday, with their phones switched off. However, police managed to track them down by monitoring numbers frequently contacted by Shah and his friends. One of these numbers became active on Tuesday morning, leading to Shah’s arrest.
BMC Demolishes Illegal Portion Of Vice Global Tapas Bar
On Wednesday, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) demolished the unauthorized section of Vice Global Tapas Bar where Shah had consumed alcohol before the accident.
The BMC used a bulldozer for the demolition after the excise department had sealed the bar the previous day.