With a record margin of more than 11.75 lakh votes, BJP’s Shankar Lalwani wins from Indore. According to the Election Commission of India, Shankar Lalwani, the incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) representing the Madhya Pradesh parliamentary constituency in Indore, won the general elections of 2024 on Tuesday with an astounding margin of 11,75,092 votes.
With a resounding mandate of 12,26,751 votes, Lalwani defeated NOTA (None of the Above), which received 2,18,674 votes in the Indore constituency. Sanjay Solanki, the Bahujan Samaj Party candidate, received 51,659 votes, placing him in third place. Not a single contender was able to surpass the votes obtained by NOTA.
Notably, Akshay Kanti Bam, the Congress nominee from Indore, dropped his candidacy on the deadline for withdrawing one’s nomination and joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

In the elections, the Congress party encouraged voters to click the NOTA button.
The ‘None of the Above’ (NOTA) option was added in 2013 to allow voters to choose not to select any of the candidates running for office.
“Indore’s historic win is the victory of PM Modi, development works, the hard work of party workers, and the public,” Lalwani declared after securing the seat.
The BJP leader made the following statement regarding the NOTA: “Congress was in a negative role; they campaigned for NOTA. However, in the 2019 Lok Sabha election, the NOTA received not even half the votes that Congress did. This indicates that the public is with Modi.