Rajeev Bhardwaj, the Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Himachal Pradesh and a contender for the Chambal Lok Sabha Seat, strongly criticized the Congress party during a public address in Nurpur city. He branded Congress as the “originator of corruption,” asserting that corruption became synonymous with the country during Congress rule.
Bhardwaj highlighted BJP’s efforts in curbing corruption and emphasized the direct transfer of funds to beneficiaries under BJP governance. He accused Congress of intending to siphon off substantial amounts of public money if in power. Bhardwaj credited Prime Minister Modi for putting an end to Congress’ alleged corruption practices and expressed confidence in BJP’s victory in the upcoming elections, particularly in Kangra. He attributed Congress’ criticism of Modi to its frustration over losing its purported “looting” opportunities.
Bhardwaj expressed optimism about BJP’s chances in the upcoming elections and reiterated public support for Modi’s leadership, anticipating his re-election as Prime Minister. The upcoming elections in Himachal Pradesh, encompassing four Lok Sabha seats and six Assembly seats, are scheduled for June 1.
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