BJP’s Bandi Sanjay Kumar has heavily criticized the Telangana government’s allocation of Rs 2.45 crore to Tablighi Jamaat, alleging the organization promotes forceful religious conversions and terrorism. The sanctioned funds were directed for a three-day congregation held from January 6 to 8 in Nematganar village, Vikarabad district, raising concerns over perceived support for controversial activities.
MLA T. Raja Singh lodh said I want to ask today’s Chief Minister, our Telangana state’s CM Revanth Reddy, on what basis are you giving money to the Tablighi Jamaat for their program? What? Don’t you know about the history of Tablighi Jamaat? Last time, after the Tablighi Jamaat’s program in Telangana, violence erupted. Several houses were burned, and people were injured. Don’t you know this?
Adding it, he said ‘Revanth Reddy, if you don’t know about Tablighi Jamaat, then let me tell you, what the Tablighi Jamaat is …. In support of Nupur Sharma, a person named Umesh from Maharashtra was murdered just for supporting her on WhatsApp. Additionally, the Godhra incident where 59 of our Hindus were burnt alive also had the Tablighi Jamaat’s involvement. The name of the Tablighi Jamaat came up in the Godhra incident, the plane hijack, and for working as a gateway for terrorists’ entry into homes. So how can you give Rs. 3,00,00,000 to a program associated with a group protecting terrorists? I want to ask this.
He further said ‘I want to say to the people of Telangana that the true face of Congress has now emerged. If in the future Prime Minister Modi is not in power and if this Congress comes, then think, in every district, these Congress-supporting Tablighi Jamaat members will be handed over to them.’ In light of the revealed documents, the District Collector of Vikarabad submitted a sanction for Rs. 2,48,93,847/- for various public necessities related to the Statewide Ijtema (Islamic congregation) organized by Tablighi Jamat on January 6, 2014, for three days in Neamath Nagar, Purgi Mandal, Vikarabad District.
Following a careful examination, the government has now administratively sanctioned an amount of Rs. 3,45,03,847/- for civic amenity works associated with the Statewide Ijtema, held from January 6 to 8, 2034, at Neamath Nagar, Pargi Mandal, Vikarabad District.