BJP’s Antyodaya conference in Karnal has set the agenda of Mission 2024. The party engaged in forming a double-engine government for the third time in the Center and Haryana will bet only on the welfare of the poor. In the rally, Chief Minister Manohar Lal’s entire focus remained on Antyodaya families (BPL).

The government launched five schemes simultaneously. Besides, by forming the Haryana Income Augmentation Board, it was also expressed that BPL families will remain at their centre point in future. Before the election season next year, the party can launch many other schemes for BPL families. After Viva and Parivahan Yojana, the government will launch the scheme of one lakh houses to be given to poor families with great enthusiasm. Its preparations are almost complete.

About 51 per cent of the population in Haryana is of Dalits and backward people. The largest number of Antyodaya families also fall in this category. To break the cycle of caste politics of the opposition, the party’s focus is going to be on this class. Experts say that in many elections the Modi government, which ran on the agenda of poor welfare, has got a strong lead. A new vote bank of the beneficiary BJP has been prepared. Learning from Modi’s mantra, CM Manohar Lal also focuses on the beneficiaries in every meeting and conference. Beneficiaries are also getting the benefits of many schemes sitting at home. Chief Minister Manohar Lal has also received good feedback in Jan Samvad programs that BPL families are getting maximum benefits from the government schemes.

The confident party has now decided to make the poor welfare agenda the main issue of its future election campaigns. The confident party has now decided to make the poor welfare agenda the main issue of its future election campaigns. The party will now present itself as a party of the poor. In this sequence, if some of his supporters are left out, then he does not care much. Recently, the party has also tried to prove this by appointing a non-Jat state president.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah has again targeted former Congress Chief Minister Bhupendra Singh Hooda. Earlier, he had made many allegations against Hooda in the rally in Sirsa. Shah is hitting two targets with one stone. At the Sirsa rally, Amit Shah said that the former Chief Minister of the State ran a “3D government” made up of “Darbari, Damad, and Dealers.