Responding to allegations from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that Trinamool Congress leader is ‘in close association with’ Lalit Jha, the so-called mastermind of the Parliament security breach, Tapas Roy on Friday said that the charges are ‘childish’ as he is not acquainted with the Kolkata-based “miscreant” by name or face.
The TMC leader mentioned that the photograph that BJP West Bengal chief Sukanta Majumdar posted on his X handle was taken four years ago. Majumdar shared a photograph on his official handle on the social media platform X, where the TMC leader is purportedly seen alongside Jha, who has now been arrested in the Parliament security lapse case.
“Lalit Jha, the mastermind of the attack on our Temple of Democracy, had been in close association with TMC’s Tapas Roy for a long time… Isn’t this proof enough for an investigation into the connivance of the leader?” Majumdar posted from his X handle on Thursday. Later, Sukanta Majumdar, while speaking to a news agency, said that there should be an inquiry if there is a large conspiracy. “The question is the same – what is the connection?… There are several photos of TMC and Congress leaders with the mastermind… It seems he has good coordination with the INDI Alliance. So there should be an inquiry if there is a large conspiracy,” he said.