The BJP has started brainstorming on preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. It was started from Naimisharanya, considered to be the abode of 88 thousand sages, in Sitapur. In a meeting organised with the ministers, MPs and MLAs of Awadh region on Wednesday, everyone was assigned the task for the elections. It was said that now people should start preparing to win 80 out of 80 Lok Sabha seats in UP. It is believed that the BJP, which is trying to give an edge to the Hindutva agenda, has chosen Naimisharanya, the holy place of sages, so that a message can be given to everyone from here. The meeting, organised for the first time outside Lucknow at Anil Shastri’s Ved Vyas Peeth Ashram in Naimisharanya, was inaugurated by state organisation general secretary Dharampal.
The primary focus of the BJP meeting was on the Dalit conference to be held in Lucknow on November 2. The responsibility was given to ministers, MPs, MLAs along with the office-bearers of the organisation, district panchayat presidents and Scheduled Front workers coming to Awadh region, that a crowd of at least two lakh should be seen in this conference. Organisation general secretary Dharampal said that this conference will send a message to everyone about how much work the BJP has done for Dalits. All ministers, MPs, MLAs and officials should ensure participation of Scheduled Caste people from every booth of every division in this conference. Along with this, get involved in making women’s conferences held in every assembly successful. He said that more and more people from the Dalit community should attend the Dalit conference to be held on November 2. Apart from this, everyone has been asked to get involved in creating new voters and reducing the votes of the opposition.
After Naimisharanya, meetings of Awadh region will also be held in Ayodhya and Devipatan division. The BJP has chosen religious places to sharpen its agenda because all the parties have started adopting the agenda of ‘soft’ Hindutva. Samajwadi Party has already started training camps from Naimisharanya on June 9 and 10, while the Congress is also on the same path. For the past two days, Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh Yadav has also been worshipping at Devprayag on the banks of Ganga and Bhagirathi in Uttarakhand, while Congress President is performing Kanya Pujan during Navratri. Thus, BJP believes that now it will have to sharpen its Hindutva edge.
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