The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is set to finalize its electoral strategy for Uttar Pradesh today ahead of the Lok Sabha 2024 elections, with an official announcement of candidates pending, according to sources. A significant gathering of the UP BJP is scheduled at 3:30 pm, preceding the forthcoming Parliamentary Board meeting in Delhi. The meeting will see the presence of key figures such as CM Yogi, Baijayant Panda, Dharampal Singh, Bhupendra Chaudhary, both deputy CMs, presidents of all fronts, regional presidents, and state officials.
Sources indicate that the meeting will formulate a strategic plan for rallies during the Lok Sabha elections, intending to cover every constituency in Uttar Pradesh with the participation of PM Modi, CM Yogi, Amit Shah, and JP Nadda. The responsibilities and tasks associated with the outlined agenda from the Delhi meeting will be distributed among the officials.
In a separate development, the ‘Phir eK baar Modi sarkar’ campaign anthem was unveiled at the BJP’s National Council meeting at Bharat Mandapam over the weekend, preceding the Lok Sabha elections. This multilingual track incorporates lyrics in 24 Indian regional languages, emphasizing the theme of inclusive development across various sectors, regions, demographics, and societal segments, as asserted by the Narendra Modi government.
The BJP’s campaign slogan, ‘Phir Ek Baar Modi Sarkar,’ was declared by party national president JP Nadda in January 2024, with party leaders engaging in wall paintings under this theme. Additionally, a two-day national convention of the BJP, focused on strategizing for the Lok Sabha elections, commenced on Saturday in Delhi. The event included a meeting of the party’s national office-bearers and the hoisting of the party flag by National President Jagat Prakash Nadda.
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