In a bid to ensure the increase of winning margin of Bhartiya Janata Party on the lines of the recently held Lok Sabha polls, the district unit of BJP is all set to reach out to the electorate of Panchkula’s Assembly Constituent through Har Ghar Tiranga campaign. It will be a four-day campaign by the saffron party between August 11 and August 15. Notably the initiative is seen as a desperate attempt by the district unit of BJP as well as Gian Chand Gupta, who happens to be BJP MLA from Panchkula as well as Speaker of the Haryana Assembly. It may be recalled that Gupta had won the 2019 Assembly Election with the margin of 5633 votes over his nearest rival, Chander Mohan Bishnoi of Congress.
During the recently held Lok Sabha Elections, BJP had been able to increase the winning margin in Panchkula Assembly by over 22,000 votes, as Panchkula and Kalka where BJP managed to take lead over the Congress candidate during Lok Sabha polls. Otherwise, Varun Chaudhary of Congress had won the Election from Ambala parliamentary constituency. Panchkula is one of the nine assembly segments falling in Ambala parliamentary. Since the political scenarios and issues during Assembly elections are different from the Lok Sabha elections, BJP is going an extra mile to woo the voters.
While the BJP leaders claim that the campaign is targeted to have participation of masses in the festival of independence, political observers as well as Congressmen see this as BJP’s attempt to woo the voters with their personal contact under the garb of the campaign.
Meanwhile, interacting with media in Panchkula, Gupta went on to elaborate on the party’s plans for the month of August. He said that once the Har Ghar Tiranga and Tiranga Yatra concludes, the district units will be preparing for the day long Tridev Sammelan on August 25. The Sammelan is aimed to discuss the planning and execution of the election campaign for the Panchkula Assembly Elections.
“Our main aim is to bring the truth behind the lies as well as misleading campaigning of Congress in front of people, at the same time, we want to ensure that the electorate is aware of the achievements of BJP in centre as well as the state,” said Gupta.
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