In a decisive move aimed at maintaining party discipline during the high-stakes assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has taken strict action against rebel leaders within its ranks. BJP Working President Sat Sharma, acting on the recommendations of the party’s Disciplinary Committee, announced the suspension of three senior leaders—Pawan Khajuria, Balwan Singh, and Narinder Singh Bhau—for alleged anti-party activities.
The action comes as Pawan Khajuria is contesting from the Udhampur East constituency, and Narinder Singh Bhau is contesting from the Chamb constituency—both standing against BJP candidates, making the electoral contest tougher for the party. Their decision to run as independents has raised concerns within the BJP, especially as the party seeks to present a united front in the politically volatile region.
In a statement, the party underscored that these suspensions are effective immediately, reflecting the seriousness of the breaches committed by the leaders involved. This bold move is expected to send a clear message to other members about the consequences of dissent, particularly at such a critical juncture in the assembly elections, where every move counts.
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