A circulating video on social media purportedly shows Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar engaged in an altercation with a Congress worker during a roadshow in Savanur town of Haveri. The video, disseminated by the Karnataka branch of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on X, captures an incident where Shivakumar, while campaigning for Congress candidate Vinoda Asooti, is approached by a group of Congress supporters. As one of them attempts to place a hand on Shivakumar’s shoulder for a photo, Shivakumar swiftly removes the hand and slaps the individual, later identified as Allauddin Maniar, a municipal member.

Amit Malviya, the head of BJP’s IT cell, shared the video on X, condemning the incident and stating, “Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister, DK Shivakumar, slaps Congress Municipal Member Allauddin Maniar while campaigning in Savanur town of Haveri. This is not the first time DK has assaulted a Congress worker. His crime? He happened to put his hands on DK Shivakumar’s shoulder when the latter stepped out of the car.”

Malviya expressed bewilderment over why Congress workers continue to support the party despite instances of leaders humiliating them, denying them opportunities to contest elections, and being sidelined by family members. He suggested that perhaps they are motivated by corruption, questioning their self-respect in such circumstances.