Union Minister and BJP leader Ravneet Singh Bittu announced on Tuesday that the party has made a significant choice by selecting him as the Rajya Sabha candidate for Rajasthan. Addressing the media in Jaipur, Bittu expressed his gratitude to Rajasthan, promising to serve the state with “dignity and pride.”

“I am indebted to Rajasthan. One thing I would say is that the party has taken a big decision. The chance that I have got, I’ll serve Rajasthan with dignity and pride,” the BJP leader said.

On Tuesday, the Bharatiya Janata Party announced nine candidates for the forthcoming Rajya Sabha by-elections. Although Bittu lost the Lok Sabha election in Ludhiana, he currently serves as the Union Minister of State for Railways and Food Processing Industries.

Following the announcement, Bittu visited Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma at his residence in Jaipur. Sharma congratulated Bittu on his nomination and wished him success.

During their meeting, Sharma and Bittu discussed plans for Rajasthan’s development. Also present were Rajya Sabha MP and State In charge Radha Mohan Das Aggarwal, BJP State President Madan Rathore, and Law Minister Jogaram Patel.

The by-elections for 12 Rajya Sabha seats are set to take place on September 3, most of which were vacated due to the election of the previous MPs to the lower house.