BJP leaders and workers staged a protest outside the Delhi Jal Board office on Thursday, accusing the AAP government-run agency of corruption. The party members accused the DJB of running a “scam” and awarding bogus tenders for the upgradation of its sewerage treatment plants.

Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva alleged that the DJB “scam” was bigger than the “liquor scam,” an alleged scam that has seen the jailing of several AAP leaders, including deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia. He alleged that at DJB, there were many instances where tenders were issued and payments were made, but no work was done.  No immediate reaction could be had from the Aam Aadmi Party to the allegations. Sachdeva said BJP workers will reach every home in Delhi to expose DJB’s corruption.

The leader of Opposition Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, demanded a CBI probe into the alleged corruption. He charged that a meeting of the DJB that approved the tenders was participated in by Manish Sisodia and Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj, with several AAP MLAs as members of the panel.