Following the discovery of Rs 42 crore from a Bengaluru property related to a former corporator, BJP national President JP Nadda stated on Monday that corruption is in the DNA of Congress, adding that Congress and corruption are two sides of the same coin.
JP Nadda stated on X (Former Twitter), “The Congress Party has mastered the art of making promises, and now this party has gone a step further and has begun giving guarantees in exchange for promises.” It was recently revealed that more than Rs 100 crore in cash was discovered in the homes of some contractors in Karnataka, which is incredibly dishonorable and a disgusting joke on the voters.”

Adding that this is just a small sample of the corrupt DNA of Congress, JP Nadda said, “These same Congress-backed contractors were active in serving lies against the BJP during the Karnataka Assembly elections. It is the misfortune of Karnataka that the Congress government has made it an ATM for money laundering, corruption and raising money for the upcoming elections.”

Pointing out that Congress can give is always a guarantee of corruption, JP Nadda said that Congress and corruption are two sides of the same coin.
“The Congress governments have made Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan into ATMs of corruption and want to loot the people’s hard-earned money by making Telangana and Madhya Pradesh similar ATMs. Therefore, Congress is dreaming of coming to power in Madhya Pradesh and Telangana so that it can loot the money for the welfare of the poor and the development of the state. Congress can only give a “guarantee” of loot,” he said.
Three days after Income-tax (I-T) officials seized cash worth Rs 42 crore from the premises belonging to a contractor in Karnataka’s Bengaluru, BJP leader CT Ravi on Sunday alleged that the recovered money was part of Congress’ illegal fund collection, meant for upcoming polls. The BJP leader further demanded a CBI enquiry into the matter and said that the truth will prevail after a proper investigation.
“We had earlier alleged that the state (Karnataka) would be an ATM for the Congress Government. That has turned out to be true. The truth will come out after enquiry. We are demanding a CBI inquiry,” he said.
Income Tax (I-T) department officials last week on Thursday seized a cash stash worth Rs 42 crore from the premises belonging to a contractor, R. Ambikapathy, in Bengaluru city.
The raids sparked off a heated debate with BJP alleging on Friday that the money was part of Congress’s illegal fund, meant for campaigning in assembly polls in Telangana and four other states to be held in November.