The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh has begun its preparations for a social media battle ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Before announcing the election dates, the BJP initiated its election strategy on social media platforms. The party is mobilising cyber warriors at the district and block levels. The BJP is assembling teams of 12 members each for every Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha constituency. These cyber warriors are gearing up to counter the opposition in the realm of cyberspace. The campaign, set to commence on September 1st, has been named the “Shankhanad Abhiyan” by the BJP. The BJP is also focusing on upgrading its social media and IT teams by providing them with training in artificial intelligence (AI). It is anticipated that in the coming days, AI will be used to disseminate false information and misinformation through fake IDs and profiles. Party workers are being trained to identify and respond to such threats effectively.
Additionally, the BJP plans to create WhatsApp groups at all 1.62 lakh booths across the state to counter opposition lies.
Two WhatsApp groups will be formed at each booth. These groups will include social media and IT cell workers, along with youth associated with the party’s ideology.
They will swiftly debunk any false propaganda circulated by the opposition. It is estimated that within a minute, this network will reach nearly 3.34 million WhatsApp groups. Moreover, the party is organising social media conclaves in all 12 districts of the state, including cities like Meerut, Ghaziabad, Noida, Varanasi, and Prayagraj. These conclaves will involve youth volunteers who are active on social media and will help spread the achievements and work done by the central and state governments, especially for the marginalised sections of society.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.