The BJP is actively working to empower OBCs in preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. To achieve this, OBC caste conventions will commence this month. Each district now has a dedicated core committee for this purpose. Furthermore, the BJP is gearing up by training 500 OBC candidates to run for elections in each assembly constituency, representing various OBC communities. Additionally, the party plans to hold approximately 2000 caste conventions across all 1918 mandals and 17 municipal corporations to connect with backward classes. These conventions will cater to different OBC groups. A comprehensive strategy has been devised to engage OBC youth through the BJP’s youth dialogue initiative at the Vishweshwaraiya Auditorium.
BJP’s OBC Morcha is focused on working with youths. For this, 500 activists from 10 backward social groups have been trained for each of Uttar Pradesh’s 403 legislative assemblies. They will be deployed as OBC warriors before the Lok Sabha elections. For this, the BJP OBC Morcha has prepared a list of castes in each district that have 20,000 or more votes. A core committee is being formed for each district. In this, a coordinator and two deputy coordinators have been appointed at the state, district, and mandal levels. Similarly, a team of 500 workers from all castes will be formed at the assembly constituency level in each district. After this, a separate team of five social activists from each caste will be formed. There are 79 castes in the OBC list. Each district has between ten to twenty castes. A youth dialogue program will also be conducted in all districts of the state to reach out to the youth.
A team of 20,000 youths will be prepared to reach out to the OBCs across the state. This team will operate up to the mandal level and will spread the work done for backward classes by the central and state governments on social media. Narendra Kasyap, chairman of the BJP Backward Classes Morcha and minister in the government, said that we have formed separate teams from Lok Sabha to mandal level for this. There will be 23 people in a team at the Lok Sabha, Assembly, and state levels. Additionally, teams of 13 members will be formed at the district and mandal levels. These social media volunteers will mainly viral the work done by the BJP government for backward classes on social media.
In the OBC youth dialogue program, Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya said that only the BJP is working for the youth. While congratulating all the youths on the installation of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, he said that our faith has become strong. He said that the Modi government gave constitutional status to the OBC commission. The chairman of the OBC Commission was given the status of a cabinet minister. Reservation of 27 percent for backward classes has also been ensured in NEET examinations.
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