In a bid to solidify its voter base ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has kickstarted initiatives to bond with the Other Backward Classes (OBC), Dalits, and women. The party has announced a slew of regional conventions, dubbed as social conclaves, scheduled to commence this November. A notable event among these is the OBC Maha Kumbh to be held in Prayagraj, which aims to draw over two lakh individuals from backward classes.

The BJP’s focus is notably on the OBC demographic, aiming to include every caste and class into its fold before 2024. This comes after the party organised various Dalit conventions across six regions, with the first held in Hapur, West UP, where Chief Minister Yogi was the chief guest. Similar conventions are planned in Brij, Kashi, Avadh, Kanpur, and Gorakhpur regions, with a significant Dalit convention slated for November 2 in Lucknow, graced by Union Home Minister Amit Shah as the chief guest.

Furthermore, the BJP plans to engage with traditional artisans from backward classes, including communities of carpenters, barbers, blacksmiths, tailors, goldsmiths, masons, and potters, among others. Nearly 18 communities fall under this category. In a move to integrate them, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the Vishwakarma Honor Scheme, providing loans up to three lakhs and a toolkit incentive of 15,000 rupees to these artisans.

Moreover, to ensure a comprehensive reach, the BJP’s OBC front will form teams of 50 workers each in every legislative assembly area, focusing on the primary 79 OBC castes.
These teams will spearhead the election atmosphere by reaching out to households. According to the state president of the BJP OBC Morcha, Narendra Kashyap, these teams aim to prepare over two lakh active workers and leaders from the backward classes who will take charge of the entire campaign till the Lok Sabha elections. They will receive training to articulate the government’s work to the public, striving to create a robust network of OBC workers.