The BJP has started preparations to showcase its strength in Purvanchal before the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. After meeting with the NDA allies in Delhi on July 18, the BJP has now begun focusing on formulating its election plan for Purvanchal. The biggest support in this plan will be from the chief of the Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party (SBSP), Om Prakash Rajbhar. State President Bhupendra Chaudhary had a meeting with Rajbhar on Wednesday to start working on this plan. After returning from Delhi, work on this plan will begin.
Rajbhar to hold rally in Azamgarh on October 27
Sources say that Om Prakash Rajbhar is going to kickstart this campaign with a rally in Purvanchal’s Azamgarh. This rally is proposed to be held on October 27. Considering that Prime Minister Modi himself is an MP from Varanasi, which is in Purvanchal, all the focus is now on this region. Bhupendra Chaudhary has already prepared the plan after meeting with the BJP’s Rajbhar.
It is reported that the BJP will initially focus on the seats where it narrowly lost in the previous elections. Rajbhar’s tours and rallies will commence in those constituencies. Alongside, the BJP will also collaborate with Apna Dal, Nishad Party, and SBSP on certain seats. Soon, the programmes of Apna Dal’s leader Anupriya Patel and Nishad Party’s leader Sanjay Nishad will also start. Additionally, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and other Central ministers will also begin their tours.
Preparations to bring Keshav Dev Maurya
The BJP is also preparing to bring Keshav Dev Maurya, the chief of the Mahan Dal, on board. Negotiations have already started in this regard. The Mahan Dal has influence around Bareilly and the Rohilkhand region. One day before the NDA’s meeting, the BJP had sent a proposal for an alliance to the Mahan Dal, but no agreement has been reached yet. In the 2022 state assembly elections, the Mahan Dal was part of the SP-RLD alliance. It is said that at that time, BJP leaders Dharmendra Pradhan and Dayashankar Singh had proposed the Mahan Dal to join the BJP, but they chose to go with the SP. The leaders of the Mahan Dal claim that they were promised ten seats in the alliance, but they were only given two, which left them unhappy.
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