BJP MLA Shatrughan Gautam from Kekri is set to wear slippers and shoes again after 233 days of walking barefoot. Following his victory over Congress leader and former Health Minister Raghu Sharma, Gautam had vowed to remain barefoot until the Nasirabad highway in his constituency was upgraded to a four-lane road. Since the election results, he had adhered to this vow, walking without footwear as a symbol of his commitment.

But now the government has given many gifts to his Kekri assembly constituency along with a four-lane highway in the full-time budget. Therefore, from Monday, MLA Shatrughan Gautam will start wearing slippers and shoes on his feet.

A big ceremony is also being organized for this, which will be held in Kekri assembly constituency. Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma himself will reach the meeting to be held here. Let us tell you that in the previous government, the then MLA Madan Prajapat had stopped wearing shoes demanding to make Balotra a district. When Balotra became a district during the Congress rule, Prajapat wore shoes.

With the efforts of MLA Shatrughan Gautam, many important announcements and provisions have been made in the revised budget 2024-25, Vote on Account and Budget Reply for the all-round development of Kekri district. Under this, Nasirabad-Sarwad-Kekri-Deoli road will be made 4 lane at a cost of Rs 650 crore, which will provide smooth traffic to lakhs of people of Ajmer, Kekri and Tonk. Along with this, the work of drinking water pipeline near Bhaansu village between Thadoli to Kekri will be done at a cost of Rs 24 crore 81 lakh and Bijainagar-Nagar-Badli-Mataji Ka Kheda and Devliakalan road (Bijainagar, Bhinay)- Kekri will be done at a cost of Rs 20 crore.

Apart from this, many important announcements have been made for the all-round development of the area, including upgrading the Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani dispensaries and hospitals operating in Kekri to District AYUSH hospitals in a phased manner. When Shatrughan Gautam was given a ticket by the party during the assembly elections, he had vowed in front of the public during his nomination to build a four-lane road from Kekri to Deoli Nasirabad. After this, when Shatrughan Gautam won the election in the counting of votes held on 3 December 2023, he fulfilled his vow and gave up shoes and slippers. Now Shatrughan Gautam’s vow has been fulfilled.

Shatrughan Gautam, MLA, Kekri said that ‘The promise I made to the people during the elections has been fulfilled by the Bhajanlal government of Rajasthan. I want to thank Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma, who understood the demand of the people. The construction of this four-lane highway will provide relief to the people of Kekri as well as many nearby districts.

The all-round development of Kekri district will depend on this highway. The government has also lived up to the trust that the people had expressed in the Bharatiya Janata Party during the elections.

The government has made many announcements for our district in its first budget itself, which in itself holds great importance.’