In a major prelude to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) President JP Nadda, accompanied by Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, conducted an extensive roadshow spanning 1.5 kilometers from Tank Chowk to Bellavista Chowk in Panchkula. This marked Nadda’s second visit to Haryana in three days, emphasizing the party’s focused campaign.

Previously, Nadda had orchestrated a grand roadshow in Himachal Pradesh’s Solan district, drawing enthusiastic support from a jubilant crowd. Criticizing the Congress government in the state, Nadda asserted that the party had failed to fulfill any promises. He attributed the Congress’s electoral setbacks in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan to the unwavering trust people have in Prime Minister Modi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also joined the electoral fervor with a massive roadshow in Kerala’s Thrissur, accompanied by BJP state president K Surendran and actor-turned-politician Suresh Gopi. Addressing the crowd, Modi launched a series of critiques against the INDIA alliance, accusing them of undermining faith and exploiting temples and festivals for personal gains.

Meanwhile, Congress leader Sachin Pilot expressed confidence in the party’s victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections during the ‘Hain Taiyyar Hum’ rally in Nagpur. Emphasizing the readiness of the INDIA alliance, Pilot stated, “The unprecedented public support we got in Nagpur further boosted our morale, and the INDIA alliance will defeat the NDA in 2024.”