Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders in Delhi launched the ‘Jhuggi Swachhta Abhiyan’—a cleanliness and tree plantation drive. The campaign saw participation from prominent BJP figures, including Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva, Union Minister Harsh Malhotra, and MP Bansuri Swaraj.

Each leader contributed in different areas: Sachdeva in Anand Vihar, Bansuri Swaraj in Naraina, and Harsh Malhotra in Kalander Colony. Additionally, BJP MP Ramvir Singh Bhiduri participated from Badarpur, and BJP leader Praveen Khandelwal from Wazirpur.

Sachdeva emphasized the importance of the drive, especially during the rainy season when diseases such as dengue increase. “Our workers are running cleanliness programs in different slums of Delhi today, and we are going to continue this program,” he said.

Bansuri Swaraj criticized the AAP government, accusing them of negligence and a lack of proactive measures. “It’s AAP’s old habit to not work and then blame officials during crises. This manhole crisis happened because they didn’t desilt the drains on time. They’ve been in power for ten years, and every monsoon, Delhi floods. Now they’re hastily opening manholes to clean drains but forget to close them,” she remarked.

Union Minister Harsh Malhotra highlighted the link between cleanliness and health, stating, “If there is cleanliness, then there is good health, and if there is good health, there will be development of the country.”

BJP MP Praveen Khandelwal added, “BJP has a scheme to clean slums to uplift their living standards. We are organizing this campaign to spread a message of inclusivity in society