On Sunday, Union Minister of State and BJP leader Sukanta Majumdar urged Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda to implement measures to avoid future tragedies similar to the recent incident at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata. A female post-graduate trainee (PGT) doctor was discovered dead with injury marks inside a seminar hall at RG Kar Hospital on August 9. The incident has generated significant outrage, resulting in protests and candlelight marches by students and staff. Various groups, including the victim’s family, have called for a comprehensive and unbiased investigation, Majumdar highlighted.

“Given the seriousness of the situation, I kindly urge you to consider the following corrective measures to address the immediate concerns and prevent such tragedies in the future,” Majumdar continued.

He emphasised on the increasing call for a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) inquiry to guarantee an impartial investigation.

“Considering the gravity of the crime and the need for swift justice, I request you to advocate for a CBI investigation and ensure that the case is fast-tracked to bring the victim to justice,” Majumdar wrote.

Majumdar also underscored the importance of bolstering security at government medical colleges and hospitals nationwide. He called on the Health Ministry to dispatch a team from the National Medical Commission to review and implement stricter security measures, such as additional CCTV cameras, sufficient security staff, and restricted access to sensitive areas.

“This tragic incident highlights the urgent need for enhanced security measures in government-run medical colleges and hospitals across the country. I request to send a team of National Medical Commission to investigate the matter and take appropriate action. Also enforce stringent security protocols, including the installation of more CCTV cameras, the presence of adequate security personnel, and the restriction of unauthorised access to sensitive areas within medical institutions,” Majumdar said.

He also advocated for providing psychological and moral support to the doctors, nurses, and staff at RG Kar Medical College.

“It is crucial to provide counselling services and create a safer working environment for healthcare professionals,” Majumdar said.

Majumdar highlighted the importance of evaluating and enhancing facilities to ensure safe and secure environments for doctors during their on-call duties.

“The fact that the victim was found in a seminar room, reportedly because there was no separate on-call room, raises concerns about the infrastructure provided to medical staff. It is imperative to review and improve the facilities available to doctors, ensuring that they have safe and secure spaces to rest during their on-call duties,” Majumdar said.

“This incident is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by healthcare professionals, who dedicate their lives to serving the nation. It is our collective responsibility to ensure their safety and dignity,” Majumdar said.