The BJP recently launched its manifesto for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, with party president JP Nadda addressing leaders at the party headquarters in Delhi. Nadda affirmed, “Our manifesto reflects what the founding fathers of the BJP had envisioned for the country.” He underscored Prime Minister Modi’s slogan of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas,” which he said simplifies the party’s vision for the nation.
Nadda criticized the Congress for indulging in what he termed “vote bank politics,” alleging that Congress lawyers hindered the judicial process for the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. He asserted, “They were not concerned about the country, Ram Lalla. They did vote bank politics.”
Nadda credited the BJP government, led by PM Modi, for accomplishments such as the construction of four crore houses under the PM Awas Yojana and the distribution of over 10 crore gas cylinders under the Ujjwala scheme.
He highlighted infrastructure development, stating, “Work has been done to connect 60,000 new villages with pucca roads.”
Nadda also mentioned, “Today, more than 11 crore Izzat Ghars have been built across the country.” He claimed, “Today, out of 50 crore Jan Dhan accounts, 55.5 per cent of Jan Dhan accounts are opened in the name of women.”
Nadda emphasized the impact of PM Modi’s leadership, stating, “25 crore people of India’s population have now risen above the poverty line.” He added, “According to the International Monetary Fund, extreme poverty in India has now reduced to less than 1 per cent.”
Paying tribute to Dr. BR Ambedkar on his birth anniversary, Nadda remarked, “We all know that he fought for social justice.” He affirmed, “Following his path, the BJP always fought for social justice.”
The Lok Sabha elections are scheduled from April 19, 2024, to June 1, 2024, across seven phases. Approximately 970 million individuals are eligible to vote. These elections will coincide with legislative assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, and Sikkim, along with by-elections for 35 seats across 16 states.
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