The Jannayak Janata Party (JJP), an ally in the BJP government in Haryana, had conducted a rally on its fifth foundation day in Bhiwani district on Friday. The party leaders were on their toes in a bid to make it a huge success. The Member of Parliament, Kartikeya Sharma who was invited by Dushyant Chautala the party stalwart and the Deputy Chief Minister of Haryana attended the rally. Addressing the gathering, Kartikeya Sharma thanked all party legislators for extending support to him during Rajya Sabha elections.
“I am grateful to the MLAs of the party from the bottom of my heart who voted in my support. He succeeded in winning the Rajya Sabha battle due to the support of the JJP legislators. The BJP-JJP led coalition government has been taking decisions in public interest, achieving a new paradigm and setting an example for other parties who ruled the state earlier”, Kartikeya said. He expressed special gratitude to Deputy CM and JJP National president and his father Ajay Chautala, the National president of the party.
Further appealing to the gathering and all leaders present in the rally, he invited all sections of the society to attend the “Parshuram Mahakumbh” scheduled on December 11 this month. He said that the Lord Parshuram belongs to everyone and therefore everyone should ensure their active participation in the convention. He said that the convention is being conducted with a purpose to bring people of 36 fraternities together so that both the society and the state are benefited. Regarding this, he is paying visits across the state, to make this program a huge success. Apart from the districts falling on the GT Road belt, he had participated in events in many districts of south and central Haryana. Under the guidance of his father and former Union Minister Venod Sharma, he is constantly striving to make the programme a success. The Chief Minister will be present as the chief guest in this event.
While addressing the rally, Ajay Chautala said that he was expelled from the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) four years ago without any fair reasons. In a period of mere ten months of formation of the JJP, 10 MLAs were elected on party’s ticket and formed the government in a collaboration with the BJP. Further he said that the party has fulfilled 60 of its promises made in the manifesto which clearly depicts the better working of the party. Addressing the public, the Deputy Chief Minister said that the JJP has provided 75 per cent reservation to the youth in the industrial sector along with 50 per cent reservation for women in Panchayati Raj Institutions.
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