With Madhya Pradesh assembly elections just two and a half months away, the BJP is leaving no stone unturned. The party has shifted its entire focus to the state, deploying key strategists. Delhi is keeping a close watch on every political activity happening in Madhya Pradesh. As a result, the BJP’s activities have surpassed the Congress and other parties. From election committees to booth levels, the party is engaging with the public through various campaigns and events.
Notably, the overall strategy for these assembly elections is being controlled by the Delhi leadership. Decisions regarding election campaigning, ticket distribution, and role assignment to leaders are all made from Delhi. Central Home Minister, Amit Shah, is taking charge, guiding a team of central leaders who are active and deployed in the state. This suggests the top BJP leadership’s keen interest in these elections.
After a loss in the Karnataka elections, the BJP is focusing on appeasing its party workers in Madhya Pradesh. Efforts are being made to address complaints like lack of communication, lack of work, and insufficient importance. According to Delhi’s strategy, leaders will be assigned responsibilities based on regions. Most of the state government ministers are being asked to focus on their respective assembly constituencies. It’s been suggested that ministers will have to spend their entire time during elections in their constituencies, seeking votes door-to-door.
As part of the election strategy, central leadership, including election in-charge Bhupendra Yadav, will take the lead. Co-in-charge and Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav will oversee election management from the party headquarters in Bhopal.
Insiders say hourly updates on the state’s election activities will be sent to Delhi. The BJP is strategizing to win the state for the fifth time. Separate arrangements have been made for the electoral operations. If sources are to be believed, Central Minister Bhupendra Yadav will tour the entire state, while Ashwini Vaishnav, based in Bhopal, will keep an eye on the state’s election management, sending hourly reports to the central leadership. These reports will be closely watched by Amit Shah. Additionally, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will visit various assembly areas daily, while Central Minister Narendra Singh Tomar will focus on some seats in Gwalior-Chambal and Bundelkhand regions.
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