The previous stages of Lok Sabha elections had raised alarm bells for BJP. The low voting percentage in some constituencies had put the party to thinking mode. But the turnout this election day has brought relief to the BJP, with an increased percentage compared to the previous two phases. Particularly notable is the voting percentage in Guna, Vidisha, and Rajgarh, which are now focal points of the electoral contest.
Key figures such as former Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan from Vidisha, former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh from Rajgarh, and Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia from Guna have their reputations on the line. While Chauhan and Scindia were primarily concerned with boosting voter turnout and securing wider margins, for Digvijay Singh, this election is crucial for his political survival. Early reports suggested that Rajgarh may witness a historic voter turnout, possibly exceeding 75%. Both the BJP and Congress are optimistic about such high numbers favouring their respective candidates.
Increased voter turnout indicates a concerted effort by candidates from both parties to mobilize voters. For instance, in Rajgarh, where BJP’s Rodmal Nagar triumphed in the previous election, the contest against former CM Digvijay Singh has drawn significant attention, with prominent leaders from both sides joining the campaign.
Similarly, in Vidisha, Chauhan faced off against Congress’ Pratap Bhanu Sharma, with reports suggesting a higher voter turnout than before, possibly exceeding 75%.
The Guna constituency has seen a surprising turnout, especially with Jyotiraditya Scindia contesting for the first time under the BJP banner. Despite challenges in managing BJP workers, Scindia’s personal involvement and tireless campaigning led to heavy voter participation, akin to Rajgarh and Vidisha.
While it’s premature to predict the election outcome, it’s evident that Congress candidates faced an uphill battle, particularly against Scindia. Experts speculate that Congress’ reliance on caste equations might be challenged by the significant voter turnout, which transcends traditional voting patterns.
In contrast, other constituencies in Madhya Pradesh witnessed comparatively lower turnout, except for Bhind, where voting occurred as in the first and second phases. Overall, today’s elections showcased spirited efforts by candidates to mobilize voters and secure their respective victories.
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