On Tuesday, DMK leader Udhayanidhi Stalin took a dig at the BJP when he was in Erode looking into the arrangements for the party’s youth wing conference. Speaking to the media, the TN Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development said, “During the 2014 election campaign, Modi said he will eradicate black money but hasn’t done it. Then he said he’ll make India a superpower by 2020. Now, he says it will be done by 2047. Modi stated he would change India but he has only changed the name of India. We will give a befitting reply to all this in the 2024 elections.”
Udhayanidhi called the AIADMK as “slave” to the BJP and said it had sacrificed the interests of Tamil Nadu when it came to NEET and GST. He added, “Former TN CM Jayalalithaa didn’t allow the NEET exam to take place. Post her demise, the AIADMK sacrificed the rights of the people and allowed the NEET exam. People should be ready to chase away their owners (BJP) in 2024 Lok Sabha polls just like how their slaves (AIADMK) were chased away in the previous Assembly polls.”
The DMK launched a signature campaign in October against the NEET exam and hoped to get 50 lakh signatures from people across Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. Udhayanidhi stated that the DMK would put up a strong fight against NEET and they would win the fight against NEET also.
AIADMK leader Edappadi Palaniswami had called the anti-NEET signature campaign as a “drama” but Udhayanidhi said the DMK was always on the side of the people of Tamil Nadu and would protect their rights. The DMK minister was confident that they would defeat the BJP in the upcoming parliamentary elections as well.
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