The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a fierce campaign against the Congress party, intensifying its attack over Congress’s alliance with the National Conference (NC). Posters featuring Union Home Minister Amit Shah have appeared across Jammu, directly challenging Congress to clarify its stance on the NC’s controversial manifesto.

The posters, which have grabbed significant attention, ask whether Congress supports the NC’s agenda and demand that the party take a clear stand on the matter. The slogans on these posters are particularly striking, with messages like “SC/ST/OBC Virodhi Congress” and “Congress Betrayed Bharat” aiming to turn the public against the Congress-NC alliance.

In a further escalation, the posters accuse Congress and NC of conspiring to change the names of iconic locations in Jammu and Kashmir, including Shankaracharya Hills and Hari Parbat. The BJP has seized on this issue, portraying it as an attack on Hindu heritage and culture. The slogan “Congress Ka Hath Hindu Virodheeyon Ke Sath” featured on the posters amplifies this narrative, suggesting that Congress is aligning with forces opposed to Hindu interests.

This development follows a series of sharp attacks by Home Minister Amit Shah, who recently posed ten pointed questions to Congress, demanding that Rahul Gandhi and his party publicly state whether they support NC’s manifesto and policies. Shah’s challenge has intensified the already heated political environment, putting Congress on the defensive as the BJP continues to escalate its campaign.

With these posters now dominating the streets of Jammu, the BJP has clearly signaled its intent to make the Congress-NC alliance a central issue in the political discourse, particularly focusing on its impact on Jammu and Kashmir’s cultural and social fabric. The Congress party now faces mounting pressure to address these allegations and clarify its position, as the BJP’s aggressive strategy continues to gain momentum.