BJP has filed a police complaint against Delhi minister Satyendar Jain and chief minister Arvind Kejriwal after a video of Jain getting massage in his cell in Tihar Jail has been doing rounds. The video has triggered a massive face off between AAP and BJP. Responding to the allegations, Aam Aadmi Party has shared a medical report of Jain claiming an L5-S1 vertebrae disc injury for which the doctors have advised physiotherapy and acupressure treatment. The AAP said that the massage Jain was seen getting in the video was part of his treatment.
Calling out Satyendar Jain ‘collection agent’ for Kejriwal, BJP said that it is surprising that Kejriwal has not taken any legal action against Jain which shows that he is also involved in such activities providing VVIP treatment to Jain. In retaliation, AAP said that since BJP is losing the MCD and Gujarat polls, so they have illegally released the video and labelled it as VVIP treatment.
Amid the ongoing row between both the parties over ED’s claim that Jain is receiving luxurious treatment in Jail, this incident has added fresh fuel to the fray.
Meanwhile the Congress has also slammed the Aam Aadmi model of Kejriwal. “Arvind Kejriwal should answer what is his compulsion that he has not yet sacked his reference minister Satyendar Jain from the post? If you look at the viral video, it looks less like a jail barrack and more like a hotel room,” Congress national spokesperson Alka Lamba said.
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